Yoga for Beginners, 6 pm, SUMMER TERM
August 6, 2019 October 15, 2019

Total # of Classes

Class length
75 minutes

305 East Duval Street, Suite 101, Lake City, FL 32055

Join us for  YOGA FOR BEGINNERS, a 10-week course for Summer Term 2019.  I have crafted and refined my popular beginners' series, now a full 10 weeks, for those for those totally new to yoga  and looking to build a yoga practice from the ground up.  This strong foundation is also appropriate for those already passionate about yoga who want to review the basics.

NOTE:  This registration page is for Tuesdays, SIX pm registration.

All are welcome; even if you have been at yoga for a while, this series will likely deepen your practice with renewed commitment and even new knowledge and focal points.

Your investment for this course is $180 ($160 for EARLY BIRDS, or $150 for VIPS, a $30 course tuition savings and $80 casual class tuition savings ) and includes TEN 75-minute yoga classes as well as the much-loved take-home study guides each week.

Due to popular demand for all this series has to offer, this course will be offered at two time slots: We meet Tuesdays, (either 4 to 5:15 pm OR 6 to 7:15 pm). This course registration includes TEN 75-minute yoga sessions for SUMMER TERM 2019:  August 6, 13, 20 & 27; September 3 [NO session September 10], 17 & 24; and October 1, 8, & 15.

Class time is 75 minutes; please arrive early to be ready to go and experience your full practice!

Community-building and creation of a safe, stable space is part of this delicate yet important process of learning the basics.  All offerings at AHA Yoga are about  turning inward, so progressively designed courses are central to this process.  As the series has been specially planned with great care, each class builds upon the previous classes.  To get the most benefits of your practice, commitment is for the full 10 weeks of the course term.

What do you receive?
Each session begins with a centering exercise to soothe the mind for a better practice, warm-ups that sync the breath and movement, and pleasant, slow-paced routines ensure the safety and stability of joints.

Each class you will be introduced to new “Poses of the Week” where you are taught yoga postures slowly and in detail, and learn how to make each pose gentler or more challenging for your body. Each of these is demonstrated, practiced, and repeated for any questions. We will also return to various practices over time, often reviewing techniques from the previous week, so these motions become accessible and ease-ful, happy habits. This empowers you to really get a feel for them in your body and these new movements and stretches feel more natural and worthwhile.

You also receive a study sheet each week with pictures, names of postures, and tips to help you remember and inspire you to practice at home.

You will practice basic seated, standing, and supine yoga poses, and how to put them together. These include well-known asana (postures) such as Virabhadrasana (Warrior Pose), Trikonasana (Triangle Pose), Utthita Parsvakonasana (Extended Side Angle Pose), and more. Each posture is cued so you know exactly what to do, and we even learn different ways to get into each pose so you can find the right movement for you. Together we explore detailed alignment--where you place different body parts as well as your awareness and focus the breath--so you can experience firsthand how it is your increased attention and focus that facilitate that incredible sense of spaciousness of peace that yoga unearths. We explore not only where and how to place the body, mind, and breath, but also the scientific reasons of why we do what we do in yoga, and how this corresponds to natural, healthy anatomical structure and physiological and neurological processes.

Every session includes cool-down and a guided systematic relaxation. You will also experience breath training (to strengthen the diaphragm & increase lung capacity), diaphragmatic breathing (to regulate the nervous system), & yogic breathing techniques (pranayama, to access more calm and energy). You will learn simple exercises for body awareness, proprioception (recognition of the body as it moves through space), and how to integrate the sensations of calm into your everyday routines. You will be provided a strong, steady, and comfortable foundation to begin a systematic and therefore rewarding meditation practice.

It cannot be emphasized enough that, hand-in-hand with breath work, guided systematic relaxation is THE most important thing a well-rounded yoga practice provides, and these should be approached with great care, enthusiasm, and methodical training to reap and savor these precious fruits.

You will complete this course with a well-rounded knowledge AND experience of foundational postures AND many creative variations--simple ways to make each position more accessible, challenging, or refined for what your specific body needs and to address different focal points and goals. Such variations are especially helpful because your needs always change over time, and depend upon your environment, routine activities, and what you aim to accomplish. You will complete the course with a firm understanding of how to gently yet effectively adjust your body, thoughts, and movements to regulate your physical habits and nervous system, all so you have the simple, do-able tools you need to access more of your best self each day.

We will also have fun with yoga props such as blocks, bolsters, blankets, sand weights, pillows, and straps. You will learn how and why each is used, and how adding yoga props to your practice refines your alignment and makes your physical sensations more comfortable or challenging so your yoga is the most beneficial it can be. You will also learn what basic household items you can use at home for the same results.

Every session builds on the previous week, so it is important you commit to the series. We learn the components of vinyasa (coordinating breath with specific movements) over the term, so what once may have seemed intimidating is not only do-able, but fun and easy to understand and accomplish. Over the ten weeks, you build strength and stamina, become adept at modifying poses so they feel best for you, experience different balance poses and how to make them adjust to your body so it feels spacious and open, and feel confident in doing different Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar). You will also be introduced to simpler variations that you can do at home or on the go, in your regular clothes, at any time.

With 10 weeks of practice, you will begin to feel better on different levels of your being, and be supplied with the knowledge and clarity to keep your practice strong, adaptable, and easier to sustain. You will feel good practicing yoga, so you are more likely to continue and, over time, enhance your calm mind and happiness as well as your physical health.

By the end of the 10-week term, you will have a firm grounding in how to warm-up, how to move into and out of basic, well-known yoga postures, how active practice and breathing exercises enable deeper relaxation, and how and why relaxation response is the most important tool for the healing benefits of a regular yoga practice. You can feel firsthand why yoga is touted by doctors and wellness experts alike. Mobility, breathing, sleep, and even mood can be improved. Want to know more about clinical trials and other research on the benefits of yoga practice? Then check out my resources page here, “WHY YOGA?

Be confident in your choice to commit to your yoga practice, and you will find out why yogis famously tout, “Practice and all is coming.”

Each session, we meet at our NEW beautiful, serene space at 305 East Duval Street, Suite 101, in Lake City Florida. Ample parking is steps away form the front door, and additional public parking is available across the street on Duval.  Great care has been put into this course as well as the design and maintenance of this studio space -- even fresh flowers! -- and ample props so that it is an inviting, nurturing container for you to explore and develop your own inner capacities.

Please BRING YOUR YOGA MAT.  If you use a shared studio mat, please note there is a $2 rental fee and  it is your responsibility to sanitize it after each use (cleaning supplies provided).  All other props (bolsters, blankets, blocks, hand weights, eye pillows, straps, etc) are provided; if you have preferred personal props, feel free to bring those.  

To reserve your place, your investment for the full series must be received prior to attendance. THIS IS THE MOST POPULAR COURSE ON THE TERM SCHEDULE, SO BOOK NOW IF YOU WANT TO ENSURE YOU GET A SPOT!  Yoga for Beginners usually sparks a waiting list.

Purchase of the tuition pass below for "Yoga for Beginners, SUMMER Term 2019" confirms your agreement to the following Terms & Conditions as well as the Waiver and Release.

Terms & Conditions of Registration & Attendance:
  • If you have any medical concerns, injuries, allergies, are pregnant, or have any changes in such conditions, it is your duty & responsibility to inform your teacher prior to class.  You have received permission from your licensed health care practitioner PRIOR to attendance.
  • Your place is held only upon receipt of tuition payment ($180; OR $160 for Early Birds).
  • Payments for Yoga courses, workshops, events, and classes are non-refundable, unless your class is taken off the weekly schedule due to low enrollment, dire teacher emergency, or unavoidable natural disaster.
  • Commitment is for the entire series.  There are NO pro-rated tuition fees for absences  and  NO make-up classes for missed days and NO substitutions.   
  • Payments for this series are not transferable to a future class, series, term, or event.  All passes expire the last day of the course series.
  • Advise your teacher with 24-hours advance notice if you are unable to attend (text message is preferred) so another student can take that place in class.
  • The teacher holds the right to cancel or reschedule any classes, sessions, or events due to extreme illness or emergencies.  Students will be notified of the rescheduled date and every attempt will be made to accommodate each student’s schedule. 
  • Credit-debit payments are completed online.  Cash or check (made out to “AHA Yoga”) is paid in person or mailed (305 East Duval Street, Lake City FL 32055).  There are no on-line payments for Casual Classes.
  • Bring your yoga mat; shared mats are available for an additional $2 rental fee and must be cleaned after each use (supplies provided).
  • Turn off or put all cell phones on silent. 
  • Do not leave valuable personal items in your vehicle; personal items may be stored in the prop room.
  • Words and energy matter!  This is your time to turn inward, and much care has been given to cultivating a sacred space. You and your colleagues are doing deep work when you undertake yoga. Please be respectful of your peers and teacher and maintain the calm, peaceful and quiet space.  This means this is not the time for gossip, complaining, or leftover conversations from work.  Take this time and space to breathe and transition into your deeper practice and allow your best self to shine.  Speak quietly and take loud conversations outside. 
  • Please take your shoes off at the door of the studio to keep the floor clean and sanitary.
  • Be on your mat and ready to go at the starting time.
  • It’s best not to eat one hour prior to yoga; for some people, 2 hours are required.
  • If anything can be done to make your experience more comfortable, secure, and successful, please let your teacher know (temperature, bathroom needs attention, you need to leave early, special concern, etc.).  Suggestions to improve your yoga & meditation experience are always welcome.
  • A separate Waiver & Release for AHA Yoga must be completed and signed prior to practice on your first day (unless you are a returning student and have already signed this). 
These policies allow me to continue offering you the best possible yoga teachings I can and ensure our community runs smoothly.  Should you prefer to pay in cash or check, let me know.  NOTE:  There are NO payment plans for Yoga for Beginners, as these are in high demand.  Should you prefer a payment plan, be sure to check out the other options for Summer Term courses, or speak with me directly so we can arrange something that serves both of us and allows you to partake of these unique courses. 

Connect with me if you have any questions; I would love to hear from you.  

Looking forward to seeing you on the mat.  I am so blessed and grateful to be able to bring yoga and meditation to our little neck of the woods; it could not happen without you, so thank you for being a part of this yoga community!  

In service,
--Virginia Hill, AHA Yoga Teacher

Want to learn more about me and why I am so passionate about sharing this practice?  You can learn more about me, my practice, and other yoga & meditation offerings here:

The class takes place on...

  • August 6 at 6:00 pm (Tuesday)
  • August 13 at 6:00 pm (Tuesday)
  • August 20 at 6:00 pm (Tuesday)
  • August 27 at 6:00 pm (Tuesday)
  • September 3 at 6:00 pm (Tuesday)
  • September 17 at 6:00 pm (Tuesday)
  • September 24 at 6:00 pm (Tuesday)
  • October 1 at 6:00 pm (Tuesday)
  • October 8 at 6:00 pm (Tuesday)
  • October 15 at 6:00 pm (Tuesday)


This class series has already finished. Please check our schedule for more classes.
