EASY Yoga: A Gentle, Slow, Accessible Practice, SPRING TERM 2020

April 28 (Tuesday)
at 10:00 am

Class length
60 minutes

305 East Duval Street, Lake City, FL 32055

Join us for a gentle yoga class features simple yet profound movements that will enhance your well-being in a small group of inspiring, like-minded folks also interested in increasing peace of mind and health.

This is a slow-paced class, with pauses and gentle movements to make this EASY yoga.   It is a VERY accessible course for many levels of capacity because it requires less up-and-down from the floor and often uses the wall & chairs.  

This course is perfect if you are recovering from injury, need support for arthritis or other chronic condition, feel out of shape and need to slowly build, or simply have a hectic schedule and need to slow down and regenerate.

This special course includes EIGHT weeks of 60-minute sessions, on Tuesdays, 10 to 11 am: MARCH 31; APRIL 7, 14, 21 [No Session April 28] and May 5, 12, 19 & 26.  Registration is for the full course.

Each week we practice a variation on the traditional approach of the Joints & Glands Sequence taught by Swami Rama and continued by the Himalayan Institute.  These  sets of pleasurable stretches are suitable for nearly any age and body type. 

Even if you are completely new to yoga and are concerned about your abilities, you can ease into stretches and align your body without complex and difficult poses.  The routines are simple, yet with surprisingly deep and often lasting benefits.    The major joints--especially the spine and hips--are worked progressively with repetitive movements in order to increase mobility and lessen tension.   Increase your circulation, improve your flexibility and capacity for fluid motion, all while finding a few moments of tranquility!  

Habits of posture and repetitive movements can, over the years, lead to a sense of frozen spots, discomfort, and fatigue.  All of these can impinge on an overall sense of dissipated energy.   

The simple yet profound yoga practices are designed to address and reroute such habits by systematically exercising different parts of the body with soothing stretches, breathing, and attentive, slow movements.  Gradually, awareness if brought back to the muscles and joints to reverse neglect.  Muscles that may have become weak are gradually and progressive strengthened so the body can once more be held in a comfortable, natural position.  Overall posture is improved so energy may once again have a strong container in which to flow and grow!  These exercises work on syncing the breathe with these movements and improving overall body awareness to help your integrated system nurture, heal, and thrive.

The use of yoga props is encouraged to make practices more comfortable and accessible.  We will often use the wall as well as yoga straps, and even chairs, bolsters, and blankets.  

Do not let the use of chairs fool you: Though our movements are simple and gentle, you will still get a full-body strengthening and stretch.  Regular yoga practice also enhances proprioception (the awareness of where the body is located in space) and overall body awareness, which has been scientifically proven to help manage pain.  It also simply reduces future injuries.

These simple exercises increase the circulation of blood, hormones, and other fluids to different parts of the body and restores a natural, flowing body image in the mind, all to re-establish a harmonious feeling of energy throughout the system.  Yoga is about working toward balance, not just physically, but also of mind, emotions, and overall vitality.


This course not only decreases stiffness and increases fluid motion of the muscular-skeletal system, but also includes specific conscious breathing and systematic relaxation techniques that help regulate the nervous system, igniting healing capacities and encouraging an overall sense of relief and peace.  Working with the breath as you move into and out of shapes and stretches helps release tightness and strain, makes motion easier and body awareness richer, and enhances mobility and ease.  As the body becomes calmer and comfortable, a natural sense of peacefulness arises.  Mental concentration improves and there is a lightness to being in one's body that in turn, makes everyday movements more fluid, balanced, comfortable, and strong.  

The final 10 to 15 minutes are spent lying down or seated in a chair, completing a guided relaxation, so you glean the most benefits from the practice and leave feeling soothed and refreshed!

Please BRING A YOGA MAT.  If you use a shared studio mat, please note there is a $2 rental fee and  it is your responsibility to sanitize it after each use (cleaning supplies provided).  Chairs and other props will be provided.  

The dedicated practitioner investment for this course is $128 with advance booking (OR $112 with Early Bird Special/$104 for VIPs)!  This course registration includes EIGHT 60-minute yoga classes for SPRING TERM 2020.

To get the most benefits of your practice, commitment is for all 8 weeks of the course term; there are no make-up classes, transfers, or substitutions.  

The $16/class rate ($14/class for Early Birds & $13 for VIPs!) is available ONLY for dedicated practitioners pre-registered and paid in full for the entire 8-week course.  If space remains after the beginning of Spring Term on March 30, 2020, a casual one-time class for EASY YOGA  is $21; reservations for casual classes must be booked through the teacher and payment is made in person, cash or check only.  Please note all attendance at AHA Yoga offerings require an advance RSVP.  

All Yoga & Meditation offerings offered by Virginia Hill at AHA Yoga provide a support to ignite your own inner capacities for transformation.  To reserve your place at the dedicated student rate, your investment for the full series must be received prior to attendance (and prior to March 22 for EARLY BIRD rate).  

All courses are designed for intelligent progression and turning inward; this turn is advanced practice, a a refinement of the mind that cultivates discernment, inner peace, & joy, so you notice and feel more of the beauty in, around, and through you.

AHA Yoga offerings are not designed to be fitness classes (though fitness is one ancillary result). Instead, all AHA Yoga classes are more traditional yoga courses geared toward mastery of the senses and mind. Hence,  all offerings are developed as courses or specialty workshops to this end, and thus full course registration is recommended as only dedicated practice achieves the best results.

Purchase of the tuition pass below for "EASY Yoga: A Gentle, Accessible Practice" confirms your agreement to the following Terms & Conditions as well as the Waiver and Release.

Terms & Conditions of Registration & Attendance:
  • If you have any medical concerns, injuries, allergies, are pregnant, or have any changes in such conditions, it is your duty & responsibility to inform your teacher prior to class.  You have received permission from your licensed health care practitioners prior to attendance.
  • Your place is held only upon receipt of tuition payment for the full course ($128 investment; $112 for Early Birds or $104 VIP) or for the one-class casual rate ($21, cash or check only).
  • Payments for Yoga & Meditation classes are non-refundable, unless your class is taken off the weekly schedule due to low enrollment, dire teacher emergency, or unavoidable natural disaster.
  • Commitment is for the entire 8-week course to receive the dedicated practitioner rate of $128 (or $112 for Early Birds).  There are NO  pro-rated tuition fees for absences  and NO make-up classes or transfers or substitutions for missed days.   
  • Payments for this series are not transferable to a future class, series, term, or event.  All course passes expire the last day of the course in the series; all one-day casual class registrations expire the day of the reserved class session.
  • Advise your teacher with 24-hours advance notice if you are unable to attend (text message or e-mail are preferred).
  • The teacher holds the right to cancel or reschedule any classes, sessions, or events due to extreme illness or emergencies.  Students will be notified of the rescheduled date and every attempt will be made to accommodate each student’s schedule. 
  • Credit-debit payments are completed online.  Cash or check (made out to “AHA Yoga”) is paid in person or mailed (305 East Duval Street, Suite 101, Lake City, FL 32055).  There are no on-line payments for Casual Classes; single Casual Classes are paid in cash or check ($21). 
  • Turn off or put all cell phones on silent. 
  • Do not leave valuable personal items in your vehicle; personal items may be stored in the prop room.
  • Bring your yoga mat; shared mats are available for an additional $2 rental fee and must be cleaned after use (supplies provided).
  • Words and energy matter!  This is your time to turn inward, and much care has been given to cultivating a sacred space. You and your colleagues are doing deep work when you undertake yoga. Please be respectful of your peers and teacher and maintain the calm, peaceful, and quiet space.  This means this is not the time for gossip, complaining, or leftover conversations from work, or any less than tender-hearted, well-intended speech.  Take this time and space to breathe and transition into your practice and allow your best self to shine.   Speak quietly and take loud conversations outside. 
  • Please take your shoes off at the door of the studio to keep the floor clean and sanitary.
  • Be on your mat and ready to go at the starting time.
  • It’s best not to eat one hour prior to yoga; for some people, 2 hours are required.
  • If anything can be done to make your experience more comfortable, secure, and successful, please let your teacher know (temperature, bathroom needs attention, you need to leave early, special concern, etc.).  Suggestions to improve your yoga & meditation experience are always welcome.
  • A separate Waiver & Release for AHA Yoga must be completed and signed prior to practice on your first day (unless you are a returning student and have already completed this).
These policies allow me to continue offering you the best possible yoga teachings I can and ensure our community runs smoothly and this studio remains sustainable as well as sacred time and space to thrive.  Should you prefer to pay in cash or check, or require a payment plan  for the dedicated practitioner rate (available in two installments of $69 each, due March 30 & May 4), let me know and we can arrange something that serves both of us and allows you to partake of this unique series. Connect with me if you have any questions!  I would love to hear from you.  

Looking forward to seeing you on the mat.  I am so blessed and grateful to be able to be a part of yoga and meditation to our little neck of the woods; it could not happen without you, so thank you for being a part of this yoga community!  

In service,
Virginia Hill, AHA Yoga Teacher

Want to learn more about me and why I am so passionate about sharing this practice?  You can learn more about me, my practice, and other yoga & meditation offerings here.  Looking for beginning yoga with MORE physical challenge?  Then, instead, try Yoga for Beginners here.  



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