Restorative Yoga & Guided Relaxation, for Resting the Body & Calming the Mind

June 2 (Sunday)
at 2:00 pm

Class length
135 minutes

305 East Duval Street, Suite 101, Lake City, FL

This is a one-day only workshop created especially for gentle healing, calming a racing mind, and deep physical and emotional restoration as we need to digest and replenish our energy reserves from the holidays, and perhaps we all need to open the body, cool down, and rest.  Rejuvenation & renewal are the hallmarks of restorative yoga.  This approach to yoga counteracts the tension hectic schedules, arduous workouts, sedentary jobs, and modern life in general tend to create.  This course uses lots of luscious bolsters, blankets, and other soothing props so that the body gradually releases into this comforting support as supine and prone positions are held for long periods of time. This softening of tension and increase in healing is facilitated by diaphragmatic breathing. Restorative Yoga is the perfect practice for hectic times, creating spaciousness in body and mind, while helping to overcome fatigue and overwhelm.  

Are you new to RESTORATIVE YOGA?  Then be sure to read my article about it, so you know what a delicious treat is in store for you!  Find that here.

This session, on Sunday, March 29, 2020, at 2 pm, is a truly special sequence, as we combine restorative postures alongside guiding the breath for more emotional equilibrium for RESTING the BODY AND CALMING THE MIND.


This means that you will have all the time you need to really relax into restorative postures, work with the breath to unwind fully, work on the hips as well as shoulder openers to support the major corners of the body and the axis of the spine.    

This sequence also combines cutting-edge research--which simply confirms traditional yogic medicinal practices--to soothe racing thoughts and anxiety.  Once poses are amply supported and comfortable with the assistance of bolsters, blankets, and other relaxing props, we add gentle sandbag weights (often called "Yogic breath pillows") to the hips, thighs, or feet in order to help the nervous system to quiet, rest and digest, and therefore lighten.  The mind gains clarity and often feels renewed.

We will do breathing exercises to keep the diaphragm muscle, the major muscle of respiration, strong yet supple.  Other postures will help release the small intercostal muscles between the ribs to help support breath capacity in the lungs.  We'll gently work the pectoralis group, muscles at the top of the chest, to release compression at the front of the chest.  Restorative poses will also help passively work with the thoracic spine, which needs to move fluidly each time we breath.  All of these points foster an overall sense of ease to breathing, creating space and relief.  

We'll also focus on 2:1 breathing, which empowers us to extend the exhales.  Finally, we learn to sculpt the breath so it is continuous; this lessens anxiety and strain in the nervous system and thought processes.  All of the techniques combine to guide the mind--as well as the body--to a great sense of tranquility and well-being.

You will also experience a traditional,systematic guided relaxation called "Shithila Karani," or "Cooling Effort," also known as the "Eave of 75 Breaths" exercise.  This system has been used for generations to treat acute fevers as well as promote long-term recovery and healing.  It allows deep rest of the physical  body, the nervous system, emotional well-being, and spiritual connection to your innermost sense of peace, stability, and clarity.

Be sure to BRING YOUR YOGA MAT; all other props are provided.  Props are highly encouraged and essential to Restorative Yoga practice, as this helps the body--and nervous system--feel supported and thus release and let go.

Purchase of the tuition pass below for "Restorative Yoga & Guided Relaxation" confirms your agreement to the following Terms & Conditions of Registration & Attendance, as well as the Waiver and Release:  

  • If you have any medical concerns, injuries, allergies, are pregnant, or have any changes in such conditions, it is your duty & responsibility to inform your teacher prior to class.
  • Your place is held only upon receipt of tuition payment ($28 Early Bird, or $33 regular price; or as bonus gift for registration in 2 full Term Courses).
  • Payments for this Yoga class is non-refundable, unless your class is taken off the weekly schedule due to low enrollment, dire teacher emergency, or unavoidable natural disaster.  You can transfer your pass to a friend if you need to cancel.
  • There are NO pro-rated tuition fees for absences  and NO make-up classes for missed days.   
  • Payments for this course are not transferable to a future class, series, term, or event.  All passes expire the day of this class.
  • Advise your teacher with 24-hours advance notice if you are unable to attend (text message is preferred) so those on wait list have opportunity to attend.
  • The teacher holds the right to cancel or reschedule any classes, sessions, or events due to extreme illness or emergencies.  Students will be notified of the rescheduled date and every attempt will be made to accommodate each student’s schedule. 
  • Credit-debit payments are completed online.  Cash or check (made out to “AHA Yoga”) is paid in person or mailed (305 E Duval St, Lake City, FL 32055).
  • Turn off or put all cell phones on silent. 
  • Bring a bottle of water, if needed.
  • Do not leave valuable items in the car.  Place personal items (purses, keys, glasses phone) in the prop room so the practice space is orderly, clear, and ready for focused, safe, & uncluttered practice Please do not put items on window ledges.
  • Words and energy matter!  This is your time to turn inward, and much care has been given to cultivating a sacred space. You and your colleagues are doing deep work when you undertake yoga. Please be respectful of your peers and teacher and maintain the calm, peaceful space.  This means this is not the time for gossip, complaining, or leftover conversations from work.  Take this time and space to breathe and transition into your deeper practice and allow your best self to shine.  It is also particularly important for this Restorative class that you are respectful of a calm, quiet, and peaceful demeanor, movements, and sound.  Move slowly and place props mindfully.
  • Please take your shoes off at the door of the studio to keep the floor clean and sanitary.
  • Be on your mat and ready to go at the starting time.
  • It’s best not to eat one hour prior to yoga; for some people, 2 hours are required.
  • If anything can be done to make your experience more comfortable, secure, and successful, please let your teacher know (temperature, bathroom needs attention, you need to leave early, special concern, etc.).  Suggestions to improve your yoga & meditation experience are always welcome.
  • A separate Waiver & Release for AHA Yoga must be completed and signed prior to practice on your first day (unless you are a returning student and have already signed this). 
  • Please BRING A YOGA MAT.  If you use a shared studio mat, please note there is a $2 rental fee and  it is your responsibility to sanitize it after each use (cleaning supplies provided).  All other props (bolsters, blankets, blocks, hand weights, eye pillows, straps, etc) are provided; if you have preferred personal props, feel free to bring those.  
These policies allow me to continue offering you the best possible yoga teachings I can and ensure our community runs smoothly.  Should you prefer to pay in cash or check,  let me know.  Connect with me if you have any questions!  I would love to hear from you.  

In service,
--Virginia Hill, AHA Yoga Teacher


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