WORKSHOP: Yoga to Boost Metabolism, Part 1: ENERGIZING

August 5 (Sunday)
at 2:00 pm

Class length
135 minutes

305 East Duval Street, Lake City, FL 32055

SPECIALTY WORKSHOP: YOGA to BOOST METABOLISM (Part One of Two): Sunday, November 24, 2:00 to 4:15 pm, ENERGIZING PRACTICE, All Levels, $25 EACH for EARLY BIRD ($30 Each at Regular Price). 

Did you know that Yoga helps regulate digestion AND how our body makes use of our energy resources and reserves?  YES, it does!

If you'd like to focus on a yoga practice specifically designed to help you better assimilate to replenish your energy reserves, circulate to enhance how the system enhances & directs that energy, and eliminate that which weighs the body & mind down so you feel freer, then THIS workshop is for you.  

You can enjoy TWO yoga workshops (or one of the two!) for two luscious rounds of yoga, one active and energizing, the other restful and restoring. 

Part One is Sunday, November 24, at 2 pm (Part 2 is Monday, November 25, at 6 pm; you can learn more & register for that one here).  These yoga workshops focus on increasing your capacity to absorb nutrients and eliminate what you no longer need, so you can show up each day happier, more comfortable, and more fully energized.  These are the exciting fruits of YOGA TO BOOST METABOLISM, parts one and two.  Read on to find out if you desire one of these workshops, or both!

Do you ever feel overwhelmed, like you are not processing all that is coming at you?  Would you like to feel better able to effectively let go of bothersome thoughts and emotions so you feel clear-headed, poised, and well-nourished?  Or would you simply like more ease and comfort in your belly and digestive tract, and tips to use your energies wisely?

YES, OF COURSE!  Then these yoga workshops are definitely for YOU.

From a clinical Western viewpoint, healthy digestion refers to the mechanical process by which the body breaks down food to transform it into much needed stores of nutrients, and metabolism the the broader cellular mechanism of transforming this into much-needed energy.  Similarly, yogic philosophy insists robust, comfortable digestion and consciously guiding energy reserves is the foundation of a content and even radiant life.  Additionally, yogic practice insists that healthy digestion also requires the ability to digest life experiences:  memories, emotions, dreams, desires, and all the sensory input your system processes each busy day, smells, sights, to-do lists, information from the media, and even the attitudes of people around you.  Too much stimulation or taking in the wrong types of people, places, or things can disrupt the mind as well as the body.  Yoga helps you return to a sense of balance and ease, and even fosters enhanced discernment so you continue to make better choices of what and how you absorb, and why.


The techniques covered in these workshops aim to calm the nervous system and enhance meditation, and so are ideal for anyone, not just those suffering from immediate digestive distress or imbalances of metabolism.  But if you do carry stress in your belly, or have simply have had a season of over-indulgence, or feel like your energy levels just aren't quite right, these techniques will also help your digestive system better absorb what your body needs while keeping things moving so your METABOLISM GETS A BOOST and you feel more overall ease and can focus on what really matters in your life.  To this end, together we’ll learn different forms of seated forward folds—such as Paschimottanasana and Maricyasana—to massage the belly while also facilitating the mental turn inward, to increase a one-pointed and serene mind centered in its own personal power.

Each workshop includes physical practice, systematic relaxation, AND yogic tips about daily routines, drinks, and herbs to BOOST your metabolism.

And, of course, each session includes a guided systematic relaxation, especially focused upon the body-mind’s ability to let go and allow the physical body to rest in order to tap into its own inherent wisdom and stay aligned with the mind’s highest, most promising resources.  Healthy digestion, according to yogic philosophy, fully integrates nourishment throughout all levels of the body, mind, and spirit; and metabolism is about the transformation of these nutrients into energies that are intentionally harnessed and directed.  Relaxation and meditation are key to this process.


Part One:
Sunday, November 24, 2:00 to 4:15 pm:  ENERGIZING Hatha (Classic) Yoga & Guided Relaxation to Boost Metabolism
In part one we’ll play with some fun, short dynamic flows of basic postures such as Trikonasana (Triangle Pose), Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose) to Balasana (Child’s Pose), and Supta Jathara Paravrtti (Supine Abdominal Twist) in order focus on the abdominal muscles.  We will also work Virabhadrasana III (Warrior 3) dynamically to build core strength and mental concentration to its already rich potentials for physical and mental balance.  We’ll refine various twists as well, such as Parvrtta Anjaneyasa (Twisted Lunge) and Parivrtta Prasarita Padottanasana (Twisted Wide-Legged Forward Fold), moving in and out with the breath to sync the body and mind.  We’ll practice lots of fun variations on classic poses such as Navasana (Downward Facing Boat Pose) and Dhanurasana (Downward Facing Bow Pose) to massage the organs in the abdomen and help focus potent awareness at the solar plexus.  TWISTS are incredibly important to for energy assimilation, so we will learn easy as well as the classic version of BHARADVAJASANA 1 & 2 will be a culmination of this practice--EASY as well as advanced versions.  

And—YES!—we will also practice steps of Agni Sara (Fire Essence), a master practice, which involves working abdominal muscles and the pelvic floor.  If you are not sure what that is or how, no worries; we begin from the basics and you are in for a treat!  It is incredibly simple yet provides deep release and often quickly-realized energy and confidence.  This is SUPER for all physical capacities and ages and is THE most important physical practice in my tradition.

We'll also practice all sorts of squats--easy to challenging, with even a few twists!--and learn why these poses are used in yoga not just for physical strength and tension release, but also for release of gripping emotions and stuck energy, and whatever the body has been unnecessarily holding so you can gain more ease and freedom.

For each workshop, you’ll receive a take-home study sheet to remember techniques you practiced, plus some additional tips to boost your digestion and enhance energy.  

Did you know that attention to breath at the nostrils might be key to helping you digest and rest?  What types of supplements and tasty treats might facilitate a happy tummy?  We’ll dive into these and other healthy habits of a full yogic lifestyle.  You'll learn about why ayurveda suggests hot drinks, what types, and when.  You'll also discover herbal supplement tips to enhance digestion and reduce inflammation.  


Come see, come do, come feel, come shine in YOGA TO BOOST METABOLISM (Part 1)!

Purchase of the tuition pass below for "YOGA to BOOST METABOLISM (Part One):  ENERGIZING" confirms your agreement to the following Terms & Conditions of Registration & Attendance (listed below), as well as the Waiver and Release  

  • If you have any medical concerns, injuries, allergies, are pregnant, or have any changes in such conditions, it is your duty & responsibility to inform your teacher prior to class.
  • Your place is held only upon receipt of tuition payment ($25 EARLY BIRD; $30 regular investment).
  • Payments for this Yoga class is non-refundable, unless your class is taken off the weekly schedule due to low enrollment, dire teacher emergency, or unavoidable natural disaster.  You can transfer your pass to a friend if you need to cancel.
  • There are no pro-rated tuition fees for absences  and no make-up classes for missed days.   
  • Payments for this course are not transferable to a future class, series, term, or event.  All passes expire the day of this workshop.
  • Advise your teacher with 24-hours advance notice if you are unable to attend (text message is preferred).
  • The teacher holds the right to cancel or reschedule any classes, sessions, or events due to extreme illness or emergencies.  Students will be notified of the rescheduled date and every attempt will be made to accommodate each student’s schedule. 
  • Credit-debit payments are completed online.  Cash or check (made out to “AHA Yoga”) is paid in person or mailed (305 E. Duval St., Lake City, FL 32055).
  • Bring your yoga mat; shared mats are available for an additional $2 rental fee and must be cleaned after each use (supplies provided).
  • Turn off or put all cell phones on silent. 
  • Words and energy matter!  This is your time to turn inward, and much care has been given to cultivating a sacred space. You and your colleagues are doing deep work when you undertake yoga. Please be respectful of your peers and teacher and maintain the calm, peaceful space.  This means this is not the time for gossip, complaining, or leftover conversations from work.  Take this time and space to breathe and transition into your deeper practice and allow your best self to shine.
  • Please take your shoes off at the door of the studio to keep the floor clean and sanitary.
  • Be sure to bring all valuable personal items out of the car and store them in the prop room during class.
  • Be on your mat and ready to go at the starting time.
  • It’s best not to eat one hour prior to yoga; for some people, 2 hours are required.
  • If anything can be done to make your experience more comfortable, secure, and successful, please let your teacher know (temperature, bathroom needs attention, you need to leave early, special concern, etc.).  Suggestions to improve your yoga & meditation experience are always welcome.
  • A separate Waiver & Release for AHA Yoga must be completed and signed prior to practice on your first day (unless you are a returning student and have already signed this). 
These policies allow me to continue offering you the best possible yoga teachings I can and ensure our community runs smoothly.  Should you prefer to pay in cash or check,  let me know.  Connect with me if you have any questions!  I would love to hear from you.  

In service,
Virginia Hill, AHA Yoga Teacher


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