JYOTISHA: Access Your Personality, Purpose, & Power

November 29 (Friday)
at 4:00 pm

Class length
120 minutes

ON-LINE via Zoom

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Would you like to refine your own self-perception so you move more confidently within the world, clear about what you have to offer?

Your JYOTISHA reading is all about your innate gifts, essential personality, and life's goals, and how you most easily & effectively connect to the world around you.  We gain these insights through the symbolic associations of your time and place of birth.  Most commonly known as "Vedic Astrology," Jyotisha is much more about entering a meaningful and subtle inner world with curiosity and renewed enthusiasm.  

You will learn insights that help you align your innermost spiritual vision with your external experience and ambitions, for more ease, strength, and joy.

Together, we explore your innate gifts and talents, and how to release that feeling of constraint that arises when you try to force yourself into societal roles that only make you more uncomfortable.   

Instead, we find where your genius resides, then keep your attention on your specific and tangible highest potentials.  This mirror of your inner desires can transform your long-standing mental obstacles into fuel of motivation and inspiration to make the most of your life, on your own terms.

Jyotisha, or "Seeing with the Light of Wisdom." offers a collaborative framework for self assessment.  It provides a much-needed self-affirmation, as well as an innermost guideposts to re-align when that feeling of being astray surfaces.  Simply put, using your birth information, it provides an archetypal portrait of your outer personality and inner drives to more gracefully identify and navigate your life’s purpose and lessons.

It does not  determine your life; it is a tool to remind you of your highest self & greatest potential by contemplation of these archetypes AND their associated powers and talents.  You reflect on what patterns are true for you and you build on that, and you also choose what patterns do not speak to you and are to be discarded.  It helps you lessen resistance in your life, and feel more confident in choices.  You GAIN SELF TRUST & CELEBRATION, so you experience more EASE and FULFILLMENT.

Together, we explore your life's patterns to find out how the light of consciousness shines through you, uniquely, and how best to work with it in the highest possible way.

Jyotisha is a continuation of (physical & meditative) yoga practices, and is truly a healing modality. What we are healing is the mind itself, clearing away its accumulated habits and restoring its inherent power and pristine state.  As you retain a truer sense of self-perception through this tradition, your life becomes a little easier and more radiant

All Jyotisha sessions are done on-line via zoom.  Once you register, you receive via email your confirmation and zoom link with password.  Note that all sessions are recorded, so you can return to this wisdom of reflection again and again.  It is special!  You will want  to revisit the gems that arise.  Your awareness & thus ease and grace definitely increase and refine over time.

Once you register, please email Virginia your precise birth date, location AND TIME.  YOU CANNOT ENJOY AN ACCURATE JYOTISHA SESSION IF YOU DO NOT HAVE YOUR ACCURATE BIRTH TIME. If you have any particular area of your life that you want to explore, you can also email Virginia specific questions or topics.

Before we meet for your session, please take a few moments to pause in silence and do some breathwork and, if possible, meditation--even if only for 2 minutes.  The more, the better.

Receiving a Jyotisha reading is also traditionally a ritual or celebratory event. So, you might want to take a moment to make this special for you: Light a candle, put flowers on the table, say a prayer, or simply bow to your inner teacher. In addition, its most profound insights and impact arrive through a meditative state, so do what feels best for you to enter into that inner tranquility, clarity, and receptivity.

Looking forward to exploring your highest qualities, talents, and abilities through this connective art of Jyotisha!

Virginia Hill
AHA Yoga Teacher, Studio Founder, & Jyotishi


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