Trosa Hot Yoga/THY AB

Discover the Cosmos Within
med Rachel

september 24 (söndag)
klockan 13:00

Lektionens längd
180 minuter

Bråtagatan 8A

Workshop: Discover the Cosmos Within       (3 hour)

We will start with a Yinyoga practice.
Then we will dive into conversations, stories, lectures and different ways to explore the planets and how they relate to our bodies.
We will end with a Vinyasa practice.

Teacher: Rachel Ingvad
Language: The workshop will be held in English

Where? Trosa Hot Yoga, Bråtagatan 8a i Trosa
When? September 24th, 13 - 16 pm

Price: Pay what is generous for you; 300kr - 600kr.
You are supporting Rachel and Trosa Hot Yoga equally.

Thank you for your support!

We suggest that you have lunch before 13 and don't come on a empty stomach.
No experience necessary. Open to all levels of practice.


Tyvärr - detta pass har redan ägt rum!
