Wellness in Motion

Yoga Nidra Certification Oline
April 25, 2020 May 3, 2020

Total # of Classes

Class length
300 minutes

**Now taking place online because of COVID**

Yes, yoga nidra is a great “yoga nap” where we rest deeply, but it is so much more. Mandy Glitzer will lead this module. Learn the science and background of yoga nidra, sleep states, and brain waves. Become familiar with the stages of yoga nidra and how movement and pranayama can lead to a deeper yoga nidra experience. We’ll explore the koshas, samskaras, and karma as they relate to yoga nidra. By the end of this weekend you will feel confident in your ability to create your own yoga nidra script to use at the end of a yoga class, or as a stand alone class.

Book (required): “Yoga Nida: The Art of Transformational Sleep” by Kamini Desai

Yoga teachers who wish to receive a certificate must:
  • Read the required book
  • Attend the full program
  •  Complete follow-up homework: Practice daily yoga nidra for one month, and journal about your experience. Write your own yoga nidra script and either 1) offer 1 yoga nidra class at Wellness in Motion which can be observed by Mandy or 2) record your yoga nidra script for Mandy's review and feedback.
** This program is for Yoga Teachers or teacher trainees. Upon successful completion, you will receive 40 hours of CE credits with Yoga Alliance (20 contact & 20 non-contact).

The class takes place on...

  • April 25 at 8:00 am (Saturday)
  • April 26 at 8:00 am (Sunday)
  • May 2 at 8:00 am (Saturday)
  • May 3 at 8:00 am (Sunday)


This class series has already finished. Please check our schedule for more classes.
