Wellness in Motion

Drum & Chant Workshop with Jim Donovan
with Special Guest Instructor

June 28 (Friday)
at 7:00 pm

Class length
120 minutes

In Studio

What’s in Store:

  • Rhythmic Empowerment: Feel the energy boost from group drumming, perfect for both beginners and seasoned drummers. No drum? No problem—we’ll provide one for you.
  • Energizing Chanting: Dive into vocal toning, chanting, and mantra practices to clear your mind and reach a meditative state.
  • Sonic Healing Techniques: Learn sound-based vagus nerve stimulation to reduce anxiety, improve sleep, and clear emotional blockages.

REGISTRATION IS RUN THROUGH JIM, NOT WIM. Registration link: https://www.jimdonovantrainings.com/offers/ixuAsWMY
