Muscular Connections

Holy Fire Reiki Experience Special Event
with Sharon

October 20 (Sunday)
at 6:30 pm

Class length
90 minutes

Sunday, October 20, 2024 (6:30-8 pm)
Tickets: $30

**Everyone in attendance should bring a notebook or journal to write about their experience. We will be having time for people to share their experience and Leo help processing.**

Event Description:
During an Experience Leo will be conducting a brief guided meditation and then stop talking for about 15 – 20 minutes during which time the Holy Fire® energy will be working directly with each person, providing a unique healing experience that contains what is needed by each person. Some people will have inner experiences such as seeing colors or feeling waves of healing energy flowing through them or visions of spiritual beings and so forth, and others will simply feel relaxed, but that everyone will receive something meaningful that will continue to produce benefits even after the event. After the Experience is complete, Leo will have everyone write in their journal or notebook about what they experienced and leave some time afterwards for some people to share their experiences if they would feel comfortable.


Holy Fire Reiki Experience Special Event (Ticket)

Class Price


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