Muscular Connections

Whispers From Spirit Special Event
with Sharon

November 1 (Friday)
at 7:00 pm

Class length
90 minutes

Medium Leo McCarthy will provide 90 minutes for evidential mediumship and questions towards the end.
Leo is connecting with your loved ones in spirit! Spirit will give him information and messages to relay to some individuals in attendance. Not everyone is guaranteed a reading. Leo connects your loved ones in spirit to you to show even after physical death their souls are still around you!

Host Testimonial:
“I have hosted Leo several times at my bookstore for Tuesdays Time with Spirit and each event I am amazed at the true connections that are made. His style is calm, sensitive and laid back which the attendees seem to respond to very positively. The group events are always sold out including both new and returning attendees.”


Whispers From Spirit Special Event (Ticket)

Class Price


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