Well and Being

Shake Off Sleeplessness (SOS) - Workshop + Yoga
with Kristi Waldron

August 25 (Sunday)
at 2:00 pm

Class length
90 minutes

Sleep is the most important pillar of wellbeing and can make a world of difference to how we feel and function.

At Well + Being, we look at the physical, mental and emotional reasons why you might not be getting a great night’s rest and helps you to solve your sleep challenges.

Learn from our Master Health Coach Lee Tan daily sleep habits and rituals to help solve your sleeplessness and discover the steps you can take to find your path back to consistent, good quality sleep.

Kristie, Bend Yoga will take you through NDSR (non sleep deep rest) or Yoga Nidra. It is also another tool to slow down your thought flow and brain wave frequency, allowing your brain and body to rest deeply. It can help with sleep, stress, anxiety ... and even learning and if you do it right, a 30-minute session can be equal to three to four hours of restorative sleep for the body.


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