Urban Pooch Training & Fitness Center

Intro to Disc Dog w/ Rebekah Reynolds (Saturdays @ 9am)
October 21, 2023 December 9, 2023
with Rebekah Reynolds

Total # of Classes

Class length
60 minutes

Sports Annex - 5401 N Wolcott Ave (2 Blocks East of Main Facility)

Class Dates:  10/21, 10/28,  11/4/ 11/11, 11/18 & 12/9 (No Class 11/25 & 12/2)

Class Time: 9am

Location: UPTFC Sports Annex (5401 N Wolcott Ave.)

Instructor: Rebekah Reynolds

In our Intro to Disc Dog class, you and your dog will learn to work as a team, tossing, catching and retrieving frisbees. This 6 week program will work on building your dog’s love for the disc, teaching them to track and mouth a disc in motion, teaching control or “rules” with our toys, and how to properly throw a disc and catch an airborne disc. We will also learn some new tricks and skills to pair with our new disc skills. Whether you want to compete in distance throws or freestyle competitions, or just take your new game out to the park, this is the class for you!

Dogs must be at least 6-months-old to participate in this class. 



Please note there is a $20 cleaning fee for dogs who pee and/or poop inside our Sports Annex. The annex is an all turf facility so clean-up from accidents requires our staff to stop class and use special cleaning implements to ensure no damage is done to the turf while still removing any urine/excrement and lingering odor. Please respect the training ring and potty your pooch before entering the training area. 


***If you are not confident your pooch is fully potty-trained, then we ask you to work on that BEFORE joining this class.***

The class takes place on...

  • October 21 at 9:00 am (Saturday)
  • October 28 at 9:00 am (Saturday)
  • November 4 at 9:00 am (Saturday)
  • November 11 at 9:00 am (Saturday)
  • November 18 at 9:00 am (Saturday)
  • December 9 at 9:00 am (Saturday)


This class series has already finished. Please check our schedule for more classes.
