Urban Pooch Training & Fitness Center

Treibball Tryout Workshop
with Rebekah Reynolds

September 15 (Sunday)
at 9:00 am

Class length
120 minutes

Sports Annex - 5401 N Wolcott Ave (2 Blocks East of Main Facility)

Class Description: This workshop is an opportunity for you to learn more about treibball
and see if the sport will be a good fit! In this 2 hour workshop, you will learn the
foundational concepts needed to be successful in treibball: targeting, finding the balance
point, and pushing. Come with lots of yummy treats, a toy or two, and a pup who’s ready to

Number of Dogs per Class: 6

Class Duration: 2 hours

Age Requirements: 6 months and up

Course Pre-Reqs: None


Sorry - that class has already taken place!
