Urban Pooch Training & Fitness Center

Wanna Say Hi? A Polite Greetings Workshop
with Pamela Davis

September 14 (Saturday)
at 9:15 am

Class length
60 minutes

UPTFC - Main Room - 5400 N Damen Ave


Whether your dog is an over-excited greeter (pulling and barking before greeting, jumping, mouthing, humping, etc) or seems more hesitant and unsure about how to approach, this workshop will give you the tools you need to improve their social skills with their human friends! We will:
- assess your dog's greeting style and preferences
- present several different greeting exercises; you can choose the one that's best for you! 
- troubleshoot common problems

Be prepared to use both petting AND food rewards (bring treats!), and to kennel up between turns (crates will be provided).

Please note: this workshop addresses social greetings between humans and dogs of all ages. It will not address dog-to-dog interactions, and may not be appropriate for dogs with a history of human-directed aggression (growling/snapping/snarling when approached, pet, or handled). If you are unsure if this workshop is a good fit, please reach out. Either way, we can help!

Age Requirements: None
Pre-reqs for Class: Must be comfortable in a crate between turns. 


Sorry - that class has already taken place!
