Urban Pooch Training & Fitness Center

Level Up Your Leash Skills Workshop!
with Pamela Davis

December 16 (Saturday)
at 1:00 pm

Class length
90 minutes

UPTFC - Main Room - 5400 N Damen Ave

Level Up Your Leash Skills! (Best Practices for Walking Reactive and other "Difficult" Dogs in an Urban Environment)


Does your dog try to say hi to every dog they see, lunge at strangers, rush after squirrels, or hate skateboards? Do you worry about your strong dog pulling you off balance or somehow getting away from you on a walk? Do you want to feel more confident and in control when you take your dog out on leash? No matter where you are on your training journey, there are things you can do TODAY to have smoother, less chaotic, and more enjoyable walks.

This hands-on, humans-only seminar is full of tips and tricks previously only available to students in our Reactive Dog programs. Learn how to:

  • Choose leash equipment that's best for your dog and your training goals
  • Plan your walks for maximum enjoyment and minimal stress
  • Hold your leash securely and safely (for your dog and for your hands!)
  • Adjust leash length (and your dog's freedom) depending on the situation
  • Avoid sending tension or anxiety down the leash to your dog
  • Turn your dog and move them away, even if they're "seeing red" or not listening to you
  • Practice with intention to set your team up for success
  • Advocate for your dog and for yourself - everyone's needs are important
  • Take responsibility and take control - in a way that keeps everyone safe, stable, and ON THE SAME TEAM!


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