Urban Pooch Training & Fitness Center

Disc Dog - Tryout Workshop
with Rebekah Reynolds

November 5 (Sunday)
at 11:15 am

Class length
120 minutes

Sports Annex - 5401 N Wolcott Ave (2 Blocks East of Main Facility)

Class Description: Are you interested in disc but aren’t sure if your dog will have any disc-
drive? This workshop is an opportunity for you to learn more about the sport and see if it
will be a good fit! In this 2 hour workshop, we will introduce your dog to frisbees, build bite
drive and confidence, practice beginner disc games, and work on some trick foundations!
Come with lots of yummy treats and a pup who’s ready for work!

Number of Dogs per Class: 6

Class Duration: 2 hours

Age Requirements: 6 months and older

Course Pre-Reqs: None


Sorry - that class has already taken place!
