Urban Pooch Training & Fitness Center

with Rebekah Reynolds

January 14 (Saturday)
at 7:45 am

Class length
60 minutes

Sports Annex - 5401 N Wolcott Ave (2 Blocks East of Main Facility)

Pets experience all the same health benefits from physical activity that
humans do: increased performance, decreased risk of injury, lowered stress levels, better sleep
habits, and a healthier body and mind! Simple fitness exercises stimulate both the dog’s brain
and body, helping eliminate problem behaviors and curb boredom and anxiety. This course is
designed to help you and your dog develop fundamental canine conditioning skills, including
proper form for positions, canine fitness safety, and exercises to improve strength, flexibility,
balance, and stamina. 

Please note that this a mixed group class that can include AKC FIT DOG Level, 1, 2 and/or 3 students. 

Number of Dogs per Class: 6 

Class Duration: 6 classes/1 hour each

Age Requirements: 9 months or older

Course pre-reqs: Completion of a puppy class or beginner obedience class is recommended.
Dogs should understand the game of training and be able to focus during class.


Sorry - that class has already taken place!
