Absolute Yoga & Pilates

Candlight Yoga Nidra Course
with Erin Wicks

June 19 (Wednesday)
at 7:15 pm

Class length
60 minutes

Studio 2

Join Jade in this 4 week course which will encourage you to explore the idea of Being vs Doing. Together we will learn to experience each and every breath with open and receptive awareness.
Each week you will be invited to prepare the body through gentle somatic movement, pranayama and mantra for the blissful practice of yoga nidra- guided meditation. 
Practiced in a warm candle lit studio, this class will assist you to replenish you energy and feel renewed.

Weds evenings throughout June - 5, 12, 19 & 26.
7 - 8pm in Studio 1.
$65 or use a 10 class pass or direct debit membership.
Bookings via absoluteyoga.com.au, or members email [email protected]


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