Calm: Stretching & Guided Meditation
with Johanna Epps

February 27 (Thursday)
at 6:45 pm

Class length
60 minutes

Calm is for anyone who wants to stretch out and chill. My goal is to create an environment that helps everyone to down regulate their nervous system. This class is born out of my own struggle with anxiety and dealing with over-stimulation. Expect quiet low spa music. This class is a combination of floor stretches (40 minutes) and guided meditation (20 minutes).  We hold poses for 3 to 5 minutes, so the body has a long time to really get a deep stretch. Beginners welcome. Guided meditation is one of the easiest forms of meditation for beginners because it gives the mind something to focus on as the student gets more comfortable with being still.  Students may want to dress in layers as the windows will be open. Blankets, socks and pillows are also encouraged. 


Sorry - that class has already taken place!
