*Ashtanga Yoga (Female Only) - يوغا اشتانغا للنساء قفط *
with Smity

April 10 (Wednesday)
at 11:30 am

Class length
60 minutes

Ashtanga means eight limbs or branches, of which asana or physical yoga posture is merely one branch, breath or pranayama is another. 

These 8 Limbs of Yoga are:

1. Yamas - ethical standards
2. Niyamas - self descipline and spiritual observances
3. Asana - physical postures
4. Pranayama - breath control
5. Pratyahara - sensory transcendence
6. Dharma - concentration
7. Dhyana - meditation
8. Samadhi - state of ecstasy/ merging with the higher self

So let's start our journey and know the inner self through ashtanga yoga.


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