Casco Yoga Panama

Detox Yoga Special Edition
with Maya Davis

January 13 (Sunday)
at 11:00 am

Class length
120 minutes

Detox Yoga Special Edition a 35 min Yin practice (getting into the connective tissue of the body) followed by a 75 min vigorous Vinyasa practice and delicious Savasana, limited spots available!

The class is designed to make you feel renewed and rejuvenated. Squeeze and sweat out toxins with movement that focuses on breath and deep twists. Letting go both physically and emotionally of things not serving, creating space for creativity and inspiration. In the Yin part we will focus on the liver meridian to cleanse and let energy flow. The 10 minute Savasana will put you in full relaxation responds for ultimate recovery and bliss.

This class is best suited to students with some experience; intermediate to advanced.

Sign up required.

Please arrive 10 minutes early to set up and prepare. Bring a big towel and water.


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