Casco Yoga Panama

Mysore Ashtanga
with Jose Luis Velez

April 9 (Monday)
at 6:30 am

Class length
120 minutes

Mysore Class Door closes at 7:00 a.m. | (Mysore practice is from 7 - 9 am time slot, start between 7 and 8, leave when you're ready.) The Mysore style of yoga asana practice is a way of teaching yoga within the Ashtanga Yoga tradition as taught by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois in the city of Mysore, India. The class is not "led" as a whole but rather all instruction is one-on-one within the group class setting. Students practice their own portion of the Ashtanga sequence of asanas at their own pace. The teacher assists each student individually by giving physical adjustments & verbal instruction. Asanas are given, one by one in a sequential order according to their ability. You come, you do. All is coming.


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