Casco Yoga Panama

Yin Yoga at The Casco High School
with Maya Davis

November 14 (Monday)
at 5:30 pm

Class length
60 minutes

The Casco High School

Join us for an in-person 60 minutes Yin Yoga class at the beautiful Casco High School in Casco Viejo.

The studio is indoors with wooden floors.

What to bring: yoga mat, big pillow (plus more if you’d like, towel, water bottle and yoga block.

Parking is around the neighborhood or at:
Casco Parking $5 lot: 
Please arrive 10-15 minutes prior to class to set up!

The Casco High School

Please pay on yappy 6265-5588, PayPal or ACH see . Thank you so much!

Yin Yoga is a functional form of yoga available for all bodies. Every pose is held for several minutes to moderately stress the connective tissues in the body, to increase blood circulation, hydration and improve mobility. The goal is to stimulate and harmonise the flow of qi - life force - which improves organ health, immunity and emotional well-being.

A great complementary practice to balance the effects of more dynamic forms of yoga. This class is designed for all experience levels.


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