~ Conscious Breathing ~
with Sue Truth Irwin & Friends!
Conscious breathing is a very simple breathing practice that causesphysical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing and pleasure.
The 'breathers' lie down on a blanket or sleeping bag, with their
bodies nice and comfortable and simply practice
'connected breathing.
Connected breathing is a technique of connecting the inhale with the
exhale in a relaxed, circular rhythm.
The breathing technique and process is also often enhanced through
the use of music and verbal coaching to the group by the facilitator.
People often share that this is the most simple but MOST POWERFUL
healing technique they have EVER experienced!
We have had people report permanent physical and emotional healings,
profound spiritual experiences and feelings of profound
ecstasy and JOY!!!
BREATHE your way to
Health, Ecstasy and Bliss!
Saturday ~ October 5th ~ 7:00- 10:00 pm
Cost: sliding scale $25—40
Space is LIMITED so Pre-Registration is Recommended
REGISTER NOW at www.theEvoAcademy.com
Or call Truth at 415-377-5156
~Please bring a blanket or sleeping bag and pillow~
Village Yoga
1700 McHenry Ave
Suite 66C, Modesto, CA