Align & Refine Yoga
with Andy

January 7 (Monday)
at 4:00 pm

Class length
90 minutes

 Beginner friendly... 
  Alignment based Yoga Class
Come experience the joy of aligning the body for optimum health in a variety of yoga poses. 
This relaxing, detail-based class is for everybody and everybody. Attention to alignment can lead to an improvement in health, flexibility, strength, and posture. It can help the mind/body connection and lead to overall good feelings.

 Finally, alignment-based yoga is good for many types of pain issues. In this class, we will practice breathing and yoga postures designed to bring about a deeper awareness. 

This class will include thoughtful sequencing and individual attention given in a relaxing environment. 

Relax your body and quiet your mind. Enjoy slow gentle movement, simple and supported yoga postures designed to help relieve tension. Perfect for anyone working with injury, recovering from illness, or simply looking for balance in a busy life.

 Let’s define alignment – The precise way in which the body should be positioned in each yoga pose in order to obtain the maximum benefit from the pose and avoid injury. An example: The proper alignment for cat-cow stretch is to have the shoulders over the wrists and the knees over the ankles.
Alignment is important. It keeps the body safe, it allows the energy to flow within the body, and enables us to enjoy our practice with fluidity and ease.



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