Yoga Escape

Chakra - workshop
with Jess Lea

July 15 (Monday)
at 5:30 pm

Class length
75 minutes

Yoga Escape

To live a life of wonder, prosperity, and with grace, we must first understand the systems we live in and create through so we can learn to channel our divine power into a conscious-creative moment of choice.
Unlock Your Power Within: Understanding emotional energy broadcasts of the chakra system and how they are creating the life you are living. 
Discover the path within to create the life you desire, and find liberation from limiting behavior patterns. In this transformative course, we go into discovering your energy body, exploring how the emotions within the main seven chakra points are influencing your well-being. 
Your mental and physical well-being are intricately linked to your emotional and energetic state. Within you reside the keys to your aspirations, desires, and even past wounds. By aligning yourself with your highest potential, a universe of limitless possibilities opens before you. 
By comprehending the chakra system and rewriting ingrained childhood narratives, you will elevate your perspective on life, gaining valuable insights on fostering well-being and cultivating joy in your existence. 
This course invites you on an immersive expedition of self-realization and personal evolution.
Over the course of 7 weeks we take an interactive journey through 7 modules where we dive into the intricate workings of the chakra energy points within the body system and its profound impact on your emotional landscape. 
Each class will feature a guided healing session to release, balance and ground. 
This course includes:
  • 7 energy center points (weekly classes)
  • 7 guided healing sessions
  • Guided discovery worksheets
Duration of each class: 75 minutes
Fee per class: $25
Discount for all 7 classes (full payment upfront): $150
Chakra points covered are as follows:
  • The Root: Associated with stability and safety (birth to 12 months)
  • The Sacral: Related to emotions, pleasure, and money (6 months to 2 years)
  • The Solar Plexus: Governs ego, willpower, and self-identity shaped by the lower chakras (18 months to 4 years)
  • The Heart: Focuses on love and reciprocity (4 to 7 years), marking the initiation into the collective “we” experiences.
  • The Throat: Pertains to expression, communication, and active listening (7 to 12 years)
  • The Third-eye: Centered on heightened perception and insight (adolescence)
  • The Crown: Linked to faith, connectivity, and comprehension across one’s lifespan


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