Maps of Prana - Balancing The 5 Vayus with Irene Ais
with Irene Ais

July 11 (Sunday)
at 9:30 am

Class length
360 minutes

YOGA GARAGE Belair Community Centre

Maps of Prana  - Balancing The 5 Vayus

A journey into the intelligence of the 5 prana vayus for all dedicated students and teachers of Yoga.
In the vedic view, it is the energetic that gives rise to the physical world as we know it; the subtle shapes the material.

This is true not only of the world around us but of our own body and mind. 

Join Irene for an embodied experience of balancing the 5 vital movements of prana
This one day training will explore Yoga as an energetic practice and how we can use our...


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