Rachael Resch, PT

Rachael R. Resch is an artist, scientist and mystic devoted to the sacred body through movement, healing, play and prayer.  A physical therapist, Nia black belt and long-time devotee of mythopoetics, Rachael has studied with Robert Bly, Joseph Campbell, Coleman Barks, Michael Meade, Marion Woodman, Gioia Timpanelli, Martín Prechtel, Aryeh Hirschfield (z”tl), StephenVictor, Paul Richards and Rabbi David Zaslow.  Rachael was lead physical therapist at the Oregon Osteoporosis Center in Portland.  She is Director of Sacred Movement at Havurah Shir Hadash and owner of Synergy Physical Therapy & Movement Arts in Ashland, Oregon, where she lives with her husband, author and screenwriter, Richard Seidman.
