Nia MoTown Valentine's Day - VIA ZOOM
with Rachael Resch, PT


February 15 (Saturday)
at 9:00 am (GMT-08:00)

Class length
75 minutes

Come celebrate Black History Month and get up and dance to the music with these masters of metabolizing grief for personal and collective healing: Sly, Stevie, Aretha, The Staples Singers, Jackson 5, The Temptations, Patti LaBelle and more!  Powered by the beauty and grief of Motown's gospel roots, let your soul sing and dance to all that you love.

Family and friends:  If family or friends want to take class with you, great!  However, please have them purchase their own class pass - just like if we were in the studio.   If you want them to attend as...


Sorry - that class has already taken place!
