Journey to Headstand / 4 videos + 1 live workshop
mit (English) Hanne Mogensen

November 9 (Samstag)
um 12:15 Uhr

75 Minuten

FlowFabrik Studio | Magazingasse 2, 8400 Winterthur

Headstand - or Salamba Shirshasana in Sanskrit - is known as the king of asanas.
Headstand invites you to see the world from a new perspective, helps you to lift your spirit and is said to lead you to greater self-confidence. That is why I would like to offer to accompany you on this journey to headstand.

It all starts with the foundation
In this program, you will learn how to perform the headstand safely. It all starts with the foundation. In the first videos we will work exclusively on building a strong foundation (arms, shoulders,...


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