Yoga from the Heart

Your Yoga with Paul
with Paul

August 1 (Saturday)
at 11:00 am

Class length
75 minutes

52 Canal Street, Laconia, NH 03246

Paul will be guiding a Gentle Yoga practice, with a focus on slowing the breath and healing the mind body and spirit. After a long week of high stress and energy depletion sometimes the body just needs to disengage and rest. We will be spending some time on finding a personalized Yin pose. Let’s figure out what makes your body say “Ahhh”.   We all have that place of tension, maybe tired feet or sore achy back. This can be your go to asana for that chronic issue. We will be using props depending on needs. This class will be well suited for Newbie’s, Oldies, but not so much for Flowbies. So if you have read an article, heard an inspiring conversation about yoga or seen the glow on a Yogi’s face after class but remain on the fringes. Please come give it a try and don’t worry about ability class is taught by a 50+ year old auto mechanic. He truly hopes you will have the same life altering experience that he had experienced from his first class.


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