Muscle Freedom Release

Recovery boots (25 minute)
with Jordan Trevena

September 30 (Friday)
at 5:00 pm

Class length
25 minutes

Muscle Freedom Release

Compression boots for athletes

Compression boots are a great way for athletes to gain the full benefit of their training. Research shows that athletes who don’t recovery correctly increase their chances of injury and have a reduction in their performance. Recovery boots increase blood circulation and boost your body natural recovery process by removing the metabolic waste build up after training. Weekly 25 minute compression boot sessions will help you get the best out of your training and help you prevent injury.

Compression boots for everyday people

Compression boots can be used by a wide variety of people from nurses, tradespeople, medical professional and office workers who sit down most of the day. 25 minute compression boot sessions remove the build-up of fluid in your legs that helps with:

* Reduces muscle soreness
* Reduces stiffness
* Reduces lactic acid build up
* Improves blood circulation
* Reduces fatigue
* Improves overall recovery


Sorry - that class has already taken place!
