Yoga Life Studio

Beginner's QiGong (Monthly)
with Joe & Melissa Moody

January 12 (Thursday)
at 10:00 am

Class length
60 minutes

Studio 1

Beginner’s Qigong: Boost Your Life-Force Energy
Get the Good Chi Flowing! 
In this class, you’ll learn how to work with your life-force energy (chi) to rejuvenate and heal your body. You will learn to move the way nature moves, using ancient forms that make you feel like you’re wearing a silk robe. Qigong (pronounced chee-gong) is the art of cultivating our energy to slow aging and boost personal radiance. A perfect complement to yoga, Qigong gets the “chi” flowing through our meridians, massaging the organs, stretching fascia and synchronizing breath with movement. Joe and Melissa Moody founded “Club Qigong” two years ago and have shared these forms with thousands online, and are thrilled to be bringing this class to Yoga Life for two special classes.


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