Ashtanga Collective

Explore the 2nd half of Primary
with Ashley Hixon

September 27 (Monday)
at 5:30 pm

Class length
90 minutes

2419 Spruce St Boulder, CO 80302 Alley Entrance

This four week course will introduce you to the 2nd half of the Primary Series.
  • Week 1: Review the 1st half of the primary series up to navasana. This is a great opportunity to advance your understanding of the more challenging postures, such as marichyasana d.
  • Week 2: Introduction to the first arm balancing and leg behind the head postures from bhuja pidasana to kukkutasana.
  • Week 3: Cover additional forward folds and balancing postures from baddha konasana up to urdhva mukha pascimottasana.
  • Week 4: Explore back bending. We will break down setu bandhasana and urdhva dhanurasana, including an introduction to drop backs.

This course is suitable for those who have studied the Ashtanga system. An understanding of the first half of the Primary Series is expected. It’s a great option for anyone who has completed our Introduction to Mysore course, or maybe has done something similar in the past and feels a little rusty.


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