Heroes 3: The Hero's Journey: Art Thou Worthy?
September 23, 2023 September 24, 2023
with TJ Storm

Total # of Classes

Class length
240 minutes

Woodley Park

You have survived the ordeals and the uphill fights to arrive here…
In Heroes 3 you will dare to reach out and seize the sword, lift the hammer or claim the reward… that which you will need to break through the obstacles, battle the darkness and complete your journey… or fall, trying… 

But… will you rise again?

Performers in Heroes 3 will complete their training in understanding what is required of a Hero and be better prepared for auditions and performances by having the necessary tools to surpass their competition and ace their roles. 

Furthermore Heroes 3...

The class takes place on...

  • September 23 at 10:00 am (Saturday)
  • September 24 at 10:00 am (Sunday)


This class series has already finished. Please check our schedule for more classes.
