cntre space

Men's Immersion with Stuart Watkins
with Stuart Watkins

Sorry - that class has been cancelled!

April 14 (Friday)
at 18:00

Class length
180 minutes

This offering has been created after countless conversations and sessions with male students and friends, and them expressing predicaments and frustrations in regards to stress levels, issues with sleep, lack of vitality and strength, as well as ed, low libido and the like. It continues to be revealed that so many men are seeking ways to create more balance in their life. The old models of what it is to be a man are outdated and we’re evolving! As we evolve it helps to have support and guidance. 

I am excited and humbled to offer this platform for all men to feel supported to explore and embody what it is to truly thrive. To truly thrive we need to get completely honest, accountable and vulnerable, to allow insight, vitality, ease and strength to flow. We must step up to burn through old outdated patterns of denial and ignorance in order to allow for growth and development. Without this, we’re left with very inadequate coping mechanisms to help us deal with the stress of daily life. No wonder why there are so many substance addictions and destructive patterns that people live with. Most of us have not been taught wise and skilful ways to navigate the world. Together we will practice these powerful skills and share wisdom and insights to help you awaken to your deepest purpose and your most vital confidence. 

These sessions are designed to help you shine bright in every area of your life. 

Throughout this class you will learn to master your sexual energy. The same focus required to master your sexual energy can be applied to any life situation, helping you to be confident, courageous and excited to live each day with passion and gratitude. You can soothe your nervous system and sleep deeper than ever. You can increase in strength and vitality as you age. You can be both driven and courageous and also loving and compassionate. It’s time for us as men to wake up to what we’re truly capable of!

In these classes I’ll humbly and candidly share from my heart, covering topics such as:

- Tuning into our optimum nutrition beyond just a 12-week health kick. This is about long-term vitality and health!
- Exploring the difference between your life’s true purpose and your surface purposes.
- Developing and embodying unwavering clarity under all circumstances.
- Mastering your sexual energy. We will cover remedies and exercises to heal ed, low libido, lack of confidence and so much more.
- Sexual obsession. Many men have the very real predicament of constantly thinking about sex, leading to destructive behaviour. We will practice techniques to channel that vitality into a much more healthy sexuality.
- Strategies to be more time efficient and productive with work.
- What is it to be a man in today’s world?
- Being able to get immediate access to primal and creative energy.
- Deepening your capacity to meditate and access altered states of consciousness without any substances, thus having clear vision of who you are beyond your roles, money, status, achievements etc.
- Embodying a deep feeling of gratitude, love and compassion.
- With compassionate and subtle discernment we will investigate where we can cultivate more balance into our life and intelligently apply Yoga and Tantric practices to assist us in designing the life we all deserve. 
And so much more!

I look forward to seeing you for this exploration of Being a Man! 

* The classes will be completely confidential and your information will not be released to anyone.
