Yay Tuesday Circuit - Mum Power - Arana Hills
with Miranda

August 4 (Tuesday)
at 8:00 am

Class length
45 minutes

All Saints, Arana Hills

Do you want to get active again after pregnancy?
Enjoy a fun outdoor exercise class with your little one.  This class will get you moving as well as meeting other Mums in your local area.  The circuit format includes specific exercises that focus on strengthening the core and pelvic floor along with general fitness and strength.

Does your child think it's fun to run away?  Don't be detered - we cater for runners!

We are currently holding ALL Mum Power classes at indoor locations where there are lockable screens and doors.  This way you can do your workout without having to chase your little ones across a park during your session.

You don't have to be a Mum to attend this class - just know that there will be babies and small children present.

Join us for a fun active class surrounded by supportive and friendly women!


Sorry - that class has already taken place!