
Surya Namaskar
with Jo Cunningham

October 11 (Sunday)
at 7:00 am

Class length
60 minutes

YogaBellingen 1/15 Short Street, Bellingen - behind the Gelato Bar

Surya Namaskar

A Sun Salutation workshop with Jo Cunningham

Surya means “Sun” and Namaskar “Greeting or Salute” The Yogic tradition identifies the sun as the soul and the source of all life and through a sequence of gracefully linked asana or yoga postures honours our connection to that source.

During this one hour workshop Jo will break down the asana that make up Surya Namaskar and its connected mantra (sacred utterance ) and effect on the chakras (subtle energy fields)

The practice of Surya Namaskar is a stepping stone to physical vitality, breath awareness and spiritual harmony. A complete and balanced practice.

This workshop is suitable for all levels of yoga experience


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