Winter Solstice Yoga Flow + Restorative + Yoga Nidra Class
with Judy

December 21 (Saturday)
at 4:45 pm

Class length
90 minutes

This Winter Solstice Celebration begins with Grounding and Flowing Yoga poses that will open and massage your Muladhara (root; acceptance, fear) Chakra and your Svadhisthana (pelvic relationships, guilt, creativity) Chakra. The Winter Solstice is a time that astrologically the sun moves from Sagittarius into Capricorn. Sagittarius is ruled by your pelvic chakra (hips and thighs) and Capricorn is ruled by your root chakra (knees and skeletal system). Resting restorative (support with blankets, pillows, blocks, etc.) poses then will clear and open a path for Yoga Nidra; where your Sankalpa (resolve/wish) will be planted and will germinate through the winter. By continuing to create light and warmth inside your Sankalpa will come to a guided fruition from the universe in spring. Yoga Nidra (yogic sleep), is a lying down guided meditation that is a journey through all your layers of energy. Benefits of Yoga Nidra: Creating a vision and reaching it and your purpose, increased vitality, reduce stress, improve sleep, lower blood pressure, enhanced concentration, emotional and physical healing, change destructive habits, clear negative thoughts and beliefs, encourage love and compassion for yourself and others. This class is for all ages and Levels.  

Yoga Nidra is the Yoga of Aware sleep. In this lies the secret of self-healing”

~Swami Satyananda Saraswati

Let go of what no longer serves you and open yourself up for a rebirth and to receive your positive intention/Sankalpa in the New Year!


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