with David

January 17 (Friday)
at 8:00 am

Class length
60 minutes

In studio or online
KB Strong Zoom Online

Train from home and keep up your physical fitness!   Follow along with the Zoom app in the comfort and safety of your living room, garage, or backyard!
1.  1 or 2 light kettlebells  for warm-ups and overhead training:
Women 6-12 kg(10-26 lbs)      Men 10-16 kg (20-35 lbs)

2.  1 or 2 heavier kb's for swings, deadlifts, and squats:
Women 12-20kg(26-44 lbs)     Men  16-32 kg(35-70 lbs)

3.  Box or Step stool

4.  4-6ft PVC Pipe or wooden dowel rod(broom stick)

5.  Optional, TRX or suspension rings

The class template starts off with mobility and flexibility. Then we engage in a strength component for...


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