6 Week Beginners Yoga Course (The 8 Limbs)
July 20, 2020 August 24, 2020
with Claire Pianta

Total # of Classes

Class length
90 minutes

Class/booking type
116a Terrace Rd, Guildford

“Yoga is light, which once lit will never dim. The better you practice, the brighter the flame.” - BKS Iyengar

6 week block of Beginners Yoga classes with Claire Pianta at Common Earth Studio, Guildford.
$120, bookings essential (maximum 18 students)

Course Description...
Over 6 weeks we unpack the 8 limbs of yoga.
  1. Yama (guidance)
  2. Niyama (observance)
  3. Asana (yoga posture)
  4. Pranayama (breathing)
  5. Pratyahara (sensory observation)
  6. Dharana (concentration)
  7. Dhyana (meditation)
  8. Samadhi (bliss)
Receive a solid grounding in yoga philosophy and physical alignment in the foundation postures of a hatha yoga practice. This course unfolds at a relaxed pace with the total newbie to yoga in mind. Each week includes an alignment lab (mini-workshop)...

The class takes place on...

  • July 20 at 6:30 pm (Monday)
  • July 27 at 6:30 pm (Monday)
  • August 3 at 6:30 pm (Monday)
  • August 10 at 6:30 pm (Monday)
  • August 17 at 6:30 pm (Monday)
  • August 24 at 6:30 pm (Monday)
This series has finished


This class series has already finished. Please check our schedule for more classes.
