108 Surya Namaskar (livestream)
with Tanya


June 21 (Tuesday)
at 6:00 pm (GMT+09:30)

Class length
90 minutes

108 Surya Namaskar
Sat 24 Sep, 8.30am
(with chai + treats!)

Equinox is a transition of seasons where the day and night are of equal length and in yoga these transitions of season are honored with the practice of 108 Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations). Spring Equinox is a time to turn inward, take personal inventory, let go of the things that no longer serve us, and planting seeds of intention.

As the seasons change, we change along them and Spring Equinox is a time that coaxes us out of winter hybination as the sun begins to illuminate more of our day and we emerge into a season of growth, renewal, rejuvenation, and vitality; the cleansing brilliance of Spring.

Join us in-studio or via the livestream of the class for a challenging but highly satisfying practice where Tanya will guide you through 108 Surya Namaskar, offering our hard work and efforts to something beyond ourselves, burning up and transforming things that no longer serve, deeply cleansing, and setting the seeds of intention as we emerge from the brilliant darkness of Winter toward the light of Spring, refreshed and renewed. 

Access to this special class is through your usual passes and membership, and bookings are essential. Following class we'll enjoy some chai, treats, and good company together!

We can't wait to see you at the studio for this special practice!

Questions? Contact Tanya
0412 614 717


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