Shahda Yoga Samui

Detox Flow

May 30 (Wednesday)
at 4:00 pm

Class length
90 minutes


A vinyasa flow sequence that naturally aids in removing toxins from the system and/or increase digestion. Twists are often utilized for these purposes, as they provide detoxification of the vital organs, the spine and the GI tract; while simultaneously increasing the digestive fire. Forward folds are beneficial for increasing the fire and are also great for calming Vata dosha when performed in a seated position. Another, more restorative approach to these cleansing actions are supine postures that provide space and relaxation in the solar plexus region including the GI tract and vital organs such as the liver and spleen. These gentle, reclined postures can be a powerful tool for aiding in a cleanse, as most of us tend to hold a lot of tension in this region which in turn causes constriction and obstruction. Allowing space for this to be released is essential for any detoxification. Another focal point for a cleansing Yoga sequence is gentle inversion postures that flush toxins from the system, increase blood flow and promote overall rejuvenation.


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