Back to Basics at the Casco High School
with Maya Davis


November 7 (Saturday)
at 1:00 pm (GMT-05:00)

Class length
90 minutes

Back to Basics 

In this workshop we go back to the fundamentals of asanas (postures) and work from the ground up.

Learn the most common poses in a safe and guided way. Be introduced to breathing, moving & relaxation techniques.

After this workshop you’ll feel more confident in the different Warriors, feel the difference with internal and external rotations in poses and feel stronger in your sun salutations.

Make your practice more comfortable, deeper and enjoyable!

For this class we open only 10 spots so we can work on a more personal level to get you set up for an enjoyable practice!!

What to bring: yoga mat, towel and water bottle

Current pass holders: $25
Others: $30

The Casco High School 


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