Inspire Me Fit

Pilates Pathway Workshop - Pathway to the Roll Up
with Debbie

November 23 (Thursday)
at 7:00 pm

Class length
60 minutes

Swanmore Primary School

We have so much to cover in weekly class to keep you progressing with developing core strength, flexibility, muscular strength and balance and so on..  its always a challenge to fit everything in! Debbie has developed the Pilates Pathway Workshops to enable us to really break down and build up just one exercise over the space of an hour! You will be amazed at how much you learn and take away to improve your Pilates practive. You don't want to miss this one!! 

Pathway to the Roll Up
The Roll Up - three words which can instill dread in Pilates classes! The Roll Up requires a combination of strength, stability, flexibility and making connections. We can't promise you will have a perfect Roll Up by the end of this session but you will understand heaps more about how to improve technique and areas you need to work on.  This session will use Foam Rollers to mobilise followed by a series of exericse designed to help prepare for and build your Roll Up. 


Sorry - that class has already taken place!
