Active Health Pilates

Jumpboard (Cardio)
with Declan

July 16 (Tuesday)
at 6:30 pm

Class length
45 minutes

Active Health Reformer Pilates Studio (Shop 12)

Not your typical reformer class! Jumpboard is an open chain cardio workout. 45 minutes of focussed exertion targeting agility, cardio, focus, motor-control, core & FUN!
In conjunction with an appropriate nutritional regime, this can be a great avenue to achieving personal fitness goals over several months.
*This fitness class is suitable for those wishing to extend their fitness level, however, unlike normal reformer Pilates, it is an impact class (joint loading) & therefore an average fitness ability is assumed. If you are unsure if this is appropriate for you at the moment, please do not hesitate to contact us before signing up)


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