Hatha Yoga Online - (Intermediate levels)
with Ankan Kumar


March 24 (Wednesday)
at 9:15 (GMT+01:00)

Class length
75 minutes

This class is NOT recommended for beginner students. Hatha Yoga is the most ancient and complete system of Yoga for physical and mental health. This is the science of breathing, purification and the synchronization of physical and mental health. Here, asanas are practiced slowly with great care and attention to the body’s reaction to each posture. In this class you will learn to understand how your body operates in both tense and relaxed states. This teaches you to better understand and control your body, even in stressful situations. 

Regular practice improves:

  • Flexibility and muscle joint mobility,
  • Overall strengthening of body and mind,
  • Better stamina, strength and posture,
  • Muscular-skeletal complaints including knees, back, neck and shoulders. 

Recommended for intermediate students.


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