with Dee Hughes

July 27 (Saturday)
at 10:30 am

Class length
480 minutes

Are you standing at the crossroads of transformation? Do you possess an
unwavering passion for yoga and a burning desire to make a difference for yourself
and others? Step into a realm of boundless possibilities with Yoga Bayside's Teacher
Training Course. Crafted for vibrant souls with a curiosity to delve deeper, this
training is your gateway to a profound lifestyle shift, meaningful connections, and a
journey of self-discovery through the power of yoga.

At Yoga Bayside, we don't just teach yoga; we nurture a community that celebrates
diversity, empowers individuality, and fosters a deep sense of belonging. Our
teacher training course is designed to reflect these values, ensuring that every
aspiring yogi, regardless of age, gender, body type, or background, finds their place
within our nurturing space.

Why Yoga Bayside's Teacher Training Stands Apart:

Our Philosophy: It’s not about YOU fitting into Yoga, it’s about Yoga fitting into
YOU. We embrace you just as you are, with all your uniqueness and quirks. We
don’t really care if you can stand on your head. It’s your passion, your love of Yoga
and willingness to learn that will make you a great Yoga teacher.

Our Team: Our teacher training program offers an exceptional opportunity to learn
from a team with a combined yoga practice experience spanning over 100 years,
coupled with tens of thousands of hours teaching across the globe. Our dedicated
instructors form one of the most experienced teams in the Brisbane area, offering
unparalleled expertise and insight into the world of yoga. Our team's wealth of
diverse teaching experiences ensures a comprehensive and holistic training,
empowering you to not only become a skilled yoga instructor, but also to cultivate a
profound understanding of the yogic way of life.

Your Journey, Your Way: Our philosophy truly centres around you – your unique
essence and your personal path. We don't believe in pushing you into rigid poses or
expecting uniformity. Instead, our highly experienced and expert trainers will guide
you to tailor your practice to your body, and our teaching style empowers you to
extend this personalized approach to your future students. We champion the idea
that everyone's journey is distinct, just as every body is.

Inclusivity and Wholehearted Acceptance: Walk through our doors and into a
space where every individual, every story, every body is celebrated. Our training
program is meticulously designed to empower future teachers with the skills to
foster a nurturing environment, where every student feels seen, heard, and valued.
A Sanctuary of Tranquility: Amidst the hustle and stress of modern life, Yoga
Bayside stands as an oasis of serenity. Here, we cherish your mental and physical
wellbeing, fostering an environment where you can experience the joy of yoga
without the weight of perfectionism.

Holistic Wellbeing: This training isn't just about mastering postures; it's about
delving into the timeless wisdom that yoga imparts. Beyond guiding students
through physical sequences, you'll unlock the transformative potential of
breathwork, mindfulness, and the profound philosophies that underpin yoga – tools
that can deeply enrich your life and the lives you touch.

A Teaching Style That Embraces Diversity: Our belief is simple: yoga should
adapt to the individual, not the other way around. Our training equips you to
provide personalized instruction and thoughtful modifications, ensuring each
student finds their own path to growth, regardless of their starting point.

Empowerment and Self-Discovery: Uncover the layers of your authentic self as
you explore the spiritual depths of yoga philosophy. This journey isn't just about
becoming a teacher; it's about embracing your unique story and infusing it into
your teaching.


Personal Transformation: As you deepen your understanding of yoga's wisdom,
you'll uncover a wellspring of personal growth. This transformation will ripple
through all aspects of your life, enhancing your relationships, self-confidence, and
overall perspective.

Enhanced Wellness: The holistic practices you'll learn will not only benefit your
students but also become invaluable tools for your own self-care journey.
Mindfulness, breath awareness, and stress management will become pillars of your
daily routine.

Empowered Teaching: Our training equips you with the skills to create a truly
inclusive space, where each student's journey is honoured. You'll inspire growth and
resilience in your students while fostering a sense of belonging.

A Fulfilling Career: Beyond financial rewards, teaching yoga allows you to create
positive change every day. Witness your students' progress and empowerment, and
experience the satisfaction of nurturing both mental and physical wellness.


● Foundational Asana Mastery: Learn and refine essential yoga poses to
ensure a solid foundation for your personal practice and teaching journey.

● Yoga Philosophy Deep Dive: Immerse yourself in the ancient wisdom of
yoga philosophy, exploring texts and concepts that form the core of this
transformative practice.

● Teaching Methodology Excellence: Develop impeccable teaching skills,
from class sequencing and adjustmenting to effective communication and
creating inclusive and welcoming spaces.

● Anatomy and Alignment Expertise: Understand the body's mechanics and
alignment principles, enabling you to guide students safely through poses and
prevent injuries.

● Pranayama and Meditation Proficiency: Explore the breath and
meditation techniques, unlocking their potential to enhance well-being and
promote mindfulness.

● Art of Sequencing: Master the art of crafting well-balanced and creative
class sequences that cater to different levels and intentions.

● Ethics and Professionalism: Gain insights into the ethical responsibilities of
a yoga teacher, building a foundation of professionalism and respect within
the yoga community.

● Teaching Practicum: Put your learning into action through hands-on
teaching experience, receiving feedback and guidance from experienced

● Business of Yoga: Acquire practical knowledge on marketing, branding, and
establishing a successful yoga teaching business and career, empowering you
beyond the mat.

● Community and Support: Join a nurturing and inclusive community of like-
minded individuals, fostering lifelong friendships and support networks.

● Personal Growth and Transformation: Embark on a journey of self-
discovery and personal growth, as you integrate the teachings of yoga into
your daily life.

● Certification: Upon successful completion, receive a recognized certification
from YOGA ALLIANCE that enables you to teach yoga globally and share your
passion with confidence.

Join us on this transformative 200-hour journey, where you'll not only become a
skilled yoga instructor but also undergo a profound personal transformation. Enroll
now and embark on a path of self-discovery, empowerment, and endless

APRIL - 5TH - 7TH + 20TH - 21ST
MAY - 4TH - MAY 5TH + 18TH - 19TH
JUNE - 1ST - 2ND + 15TH - 16TH + 29TH - 30TH
JULY - 12TH - 14TH + 27TH - 28TH