Dance Fusion Studios

Advanced-Beginner Ballet
with Mae (they/them) (sub for Jenn (she/her))

July 18 (Thursday)
at 6:00 pm

Class length
60 minutes

Dance style

An encouraging and challenging class for those who know the basics of ballet and are ready to learn more about the technique and artistry of ballet. Proper placement, precision of steps, and musicality will be our focus, as well as new vocabulary.

REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS LEVEL: Experience dancing necessary. Should be at or above Grade 2 BATD. Should be familiar with and capable of executing clean basic barre work (plié, tendu, fondu, rond de jambe, frappé, développé, grand battement). Should be familiar with and capable of executing clean simple centre work (relevés in various positions, pirouette preparation, simple adage work such as port de bras, simple jumps like changement, glissade, assemblé, etc.) 


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