Phase 2 - Elementary (ages 7-10) | 第2期-兒童組 (7-10歲)
March 4, 2021 March 25, 2021
with Irene LO

Total # of Classes

Class length
60 minutes

Studio A, Happy Valley (G/F, 60 Blue Pool Road Happy Valley, HK)

Students use the ballet barre to learn technique and vocabulary, exploring ballet enchaînements weekly to ultimately create an entire classical variation. 

Date 日期: 4/3, 11/3, 18/3, 25/3
Time 時間:Thursday 星期四 17:00-18:00
Quota 名額:15
Fee 費用:HK$480 (4 classes 共4節)

In-person Class is now available 實體課現已同時進行:HK$240/class 
Venue 上課地點: Happy Valley 跑馬地 
(Please contact us for enrolment 請聯絡我們報名)

Preparation for Virtual Classes 網課準備事項 :
  1. ZOOM.  Download ZOOM on your computer, phone, or tablet and log-in to Zoom 10 mins before the classes start. 所有工作坊都將通過Zoom實時進行。 請於電腦、手機或平板電腦預先下載Zoom應用程式,並於課堂開始10分鐘前登錄。
  2. A device with camera allows the teachers to see you. Position your camera far enough away from you for the instructor to see your full body. 準備附有網絡攝影機的設備。將鏡頭設於距離學員較遠的位置,讓導師能清楚看見學員的全身。
  3. Space....

The class takes place on...

  • March 4 at 17:00 (Thursday)
  • March 11 at 17:00 (Thursday)
  • March 18 at 17:00 (Thursday)
  • March 25 at 17:00 (Thursday)
This series has finished


This class series has already finished. Please check our schedule for more classes.
